Proud to Be an American

Proud to Be An American

Are you proud to be an American today?

I think back to the few times that I have been privileged to travel to another country and how wonderful it was to come back home.  We have so much to be grateful for here in the United States and never is that more evident than when you have experienced life elsewhere even for just a little while.  Although we may sometimes take our freedoms for granted, we must always strive to remember that a great price has been paid for the freedoms that we enjoy today.

The American moment most memorable to me was when our country came together for a day of prayer after the 9/11 attacks.  My husband and I were both working downtown at the time and we went along with coworkers to a local church.  It was a time that it didn’t seem to matter what our religion was or what church we chose to attend.  We were unified in spirit and as a country.

Since that time, I’ll admit that I have at times become uninformed, uncaring, and disillusioned with the affairs of our country.  It is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that as individuals we cannot make much of a difference.

In studying I Peter, I have been reminded that each of us have responsibilities as citizens of this country.  For us to be a proud American, it takes a little effort on our part.

We are instructed to be submissive to governing authorities. (I Peter 2:13-14)  This includes obeying laws (even the speed limit signs – ugh!) and paying our taxes (not a fun check to write). But I think it also means showing respect for those in government regardless of whether we might always agree with their political position.

We also need to stay informed.  Don’t skip over that section of the paper or tune out that portion of the daily news.  Know and understand what the issues are for our local, state, and national government and how that affects each of us as citizens.

We should also support those candidates that we believe have a heart for service.  I found it interesting that in Romans 13:6, the “authorities” are referred to as God’s servants.  I’m not sure I have always seen it that way.  But there really are amazing people that want to help make our country a better place and they can only do that through our support.

The most important thing that we can do for our country is to pray.  Pray for our leaders, pray that God will give them wisdom in their decisions, pray for our safety as a country, pray that the moral value of our country will be representative of our faith.  Pray that we will continue to enjoy the freedoms that we have cherished.  Pray that our country will be able to look past the chaos and keep a firm focus on Christ.

We can make a difference.  We can be proud to be an American.  And, if you know someone who is, or has in the past, served our great country, please tell them thanks.  For it is these men and women that have made our country the greatest country in the world.

Happy Independence Day!

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