Drink More Water



I am on a new quest – to drink more water.  Eight glasses is the recommended guideline for most of us for proper water intake.  EIGHT glasses a day.  That is an amazing amount of water.  I do not have time to drink that much and I am really not that thirsty.  Surely, sweet tea would suffice.

But according to WebMD (love that site), there are several reasons to drink more water.  The scientific facts are from the website .  I added in the commentary.

1. Drinking water helps maintain the balance of body fluids, helps the kidneys, and maintains normal bowel function.  Can’t believe I just typed that one.  But essentially water just makes our body work.

2.  Water energizes our muscles.  It helps repair our muscles as we exercise.  And of course, we are all exercising.  At least attempting to, right?

3.  Water helps our skin look good.  Dehydration can make skin look more dry and wrinkled.  No one wants that.

4.  Water can help control calories.  This is my favorite reason to drink more H2O.  Water costs us no calories to drink it (unlike say.. well anything else including sweet tea) and it makes us feel full.  Apparently, sometimes we think we are hungry but we’re really just thirsty.

There was a lady in the Bible who was on a quest – to get water.  Her story is found in John 4:3-30.  She is not mentioned in the Bible by name.  Other Jews wouldn’t speak to her.  Most Samaritans wanted nothing to do with her.  She had what we might consider more obvious sins in her life.  But just like all of us, she had needs.  She needed nourishment.

And just like most days for her, she headed to the well to get water.  But this day was different.  This day, everything changed.  She met Jesus at the well.  And what He offered her was so much more than what she came to the well to get.  He offered her living water.  And His living water would cause her to never thirst again.

Regardless of our sins (obvious or not), Jesus makes that same offer to us.  And when we are dependent upon Jesus for our needs, our desires, when we trust in his ability to provide for us, we will never thirst for other things.  

Psalm 42:1

So why do we tend to look for fulfillment and nourishment everywhere but Jesus?  All the other paths, all the other “stuff,” all the “chaos” will always leave us thirsty, always wanting more.

When we daily seek Jesus, through prayer and Bible study, He will provide us the nourishment and support that we need to not only to make it through each day but to be a light that shines bright for Him.

As much as we need to drink more water, I pray more than anything that we will seek Jesus each day.  That we will have a deep thirst for His living water.  Allowing Him to meet our needs, trusting in His word, guiding us through the chaos.  And that is so much sweeter than any tea!

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