Choosing Words Wisely

Choosing Words Wisely

Since I began writing devotionals, I have been amazed by the amount of time that I spend not just on writing but on rewriting, editing, and correcting.  We have all been called to work “as unto the Lord” (Colossians 3:23-24), and I feel like as part of my “work” God has led me to write these devotionals.  Since our work is really an offering to God, I feel a whole new level of desire to choose words wisely.  He has inspired me, encouraged me, and helped to guide this process.  And because of this, I want to do everything I can for these simple devotionals to be meaningful and Christ honoring.

Through this process of filtering and choosing wise words, Christ has been working on my heart about how this same practice should apply to other areas of my life.  The book of James is filled with great insight about the words we use.  Our mouths can be such instruments of praise, of encouragement, of worship.  And yet they can also be used as a cruel weapon.  It is all too easy to allow words to escape us that we can never take back.  James 3:5 even compares the uncontrolled tongue to a forest fire.

Forest Fire

3 Questions to Ponder about our Words:

1.  Are we careful and deliberate in choosing the words we use that are written in texts or emails?  The amount of emails and texts that we send each day is truly astounding, but that number is probably just a fraction of the number our kids are sending (a topic for another day).  And with this great technology that has dramatically changed the way we communicate, comes many risks.  It is far too easy to let our boldness take control and say something that we might not otherwise have said if we were talking face to face. I recently wrote a rather curt email and right before I clicked the send button, the power went out at my work.  Needless to say, I never sent that email (thank you Lord!).

2.  Are we choosing wise words in our conversations with others, especially our close friends and families with whom we feel we can be more frank?  It is far too easy for our mouths to get us into trouble by blurting out something hurtful in the heat of the moment.  And then there is dishonesty which brings with it a whole new level of chaos.  Another forest fire to be reckoned with is gossip (once again, another topic for another day) where we share the worst about each other to make ourselves feel better.  Where I find myself struggling with choosing wise words is when talking to my kids.  I have noticed this occurs frequently on rushed mornings or late in the evening when I am exhausted.  Rather than lifting them up and encouraging them with my words, I default to the negative pointing out over and over the areas where they need improvement.  And I must confess that I often express these words with the wrong tone.  I continue to pray through this huge parenting obstacle!

3.  Most importantly, are we allowing Christ to be our filter when choosing what words to say?  He is our forever friend.  He knows and understands the chaos (and wild fires) that can come along with not choosing words wisely.  The more time we spend with Him in prayer and Bible Study, the more He will begin to change our speech.  He will also begin to show us how wise it is most of the time to be silent and listen.  Perhaps we might even pause a minute and pray before blurting out a quick response in the future.  Christ is the source of wisdom and will teach and guide us in how to use our words for His glory.

James 3,17

As I have reflected on choosing wise words, it has been humbling to look at my own life and how many words I wish I could take back.  As a follower of Christ, it is a huge responsibility to not contradict what is in our hearts with what comes out of our mouths but to speak words that we would want the Lord to hear.

Matthew 15,18

My prayer is that we seek the wisdom of Christ in choosing our words.  That we allow Him to be our filter.  That we listen for His direction in those times where we need to be silent and listen rather than speak.  That we will be obedient in keeping our speech honest and sincere but full of encouragement, love, and forgiveness.  I pray that our hearts will be transformed and that what comes from our mouths will be reflective of Christ’s goodness and grace.

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