The Color Debate

The Color Debate

The polarizing dress color debate. Regardless of what colors you see, I found this to be such a great illustration of the transforming power of Jesus.

As I understand it (from the morning news), the actual color of the dress is blue and black but they used a light effect to take away the color thus making it appear gold and white (at least to some people).

Without Jesus, our lives are fairly dark. The cruelties of this world and the natural sin in our hearts can cast a harsh shadow on everthing. But Jesus’ light – His amazing, transforming, powerful light can transform our hearts and our lives and when we allow Him to guide our daily steps we can grow to become much more “golden” as we
reflect the glory of Christ.

I’m so grateful for the amazing love of our Savior who isn’t content to leave us wearing a dark dress (metaphorically speaking) but wants to transform us so that we “sparkle” and shed His light to all those we come in contact with.

“Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” ~ Matthew 5:16

Source:  Pinterest

Source: Pinterest

My prayer is that we use this illustration as an easy conversation with others (it is definitely the topic of conversation right now) to share the light and love of Jesus to a world in need.

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