Keeping Your Balance

Keeping Your Balance

In an effort to get in better shape, I have recently tried to learn the practice of yoga.  As easy and relaxing as the yoga exercises might appear when watching others, I’m beginning to have a better understanding that these stretching and balancing techniques require a great deal of skill and practice.

There is one particular exercise that has definitely “stretched” my abilities and required a real balancing act. It is called inner balance, which sounds so soothing and relaxing, but it has been anything but that for me. It starts out so simple. You put all your weight on one leg while slightly raising the other foot off the floor holding your hands in the prayer position.  That is the easy part.  Then one simple thing is added – closing your eyes.  Suddenly, I found myself out of balance and falling over (again and again).  It was then that I finally understood why your hands needed to be in the prayer position.  If I had any chance of staying in balance, praying was my only hope.

That exercise reminded me of the times in our lives when we try so hard just to stay upright and balanced all while life hurls challenges, disappointments, and even devastations our way.  We struggle not knowing for sure what’s around the bend or how to make sense of it all. All of this chaos can so easily overwhelm us causing us to stumble and lose our footing.  When that happens, we are left feeling weak and defeated without a sure foundation on which to stand.

There was a great man in the Bible named Habakkuk (can’ t imagine why more people don’t name their kids after him) who can relate to those same feelings.  He was called by God to lead through extremely tough circumstances.  He spent a great deal of time praying through his situation and when God revealed to him His plans, Habakkuk struggled to understand.  And he wasn’t afraid to ask God tough questions as he wrestled through his doubts.  But in the end, Habakkuk learned to put all his trust in God who was the true source of his strength and his balance.

The last verse in this short book of only 3 chapters (certainly worth a read!) sums up the key for Habakkuk and each of us to be able to keep our footing even when we find ourselves in the midst of tough terrain.

The Lord God is my strength; He will make my feet like deer’s feet, And He will make me walk on my high hills. ~ Habakkuk 3:19

Just as a deer could walk on mountain tops without fear of falling, our footing and our balance can be absolutely sure when our trust is placed in the Lord and we derive our strength from him.  I love how the Lord gives us just what we need.  He understands that on our own we struggle at times even to stand up right.  That we can become so blinded by the darkness of our world that we begin to question and doubt.  And He desires to be our strength and to give us sure footing just like he gave Habakkuk. With God, he will enable us to walk and keep our balance in the “high hills” – the trials, struggles, and difficulties that we are facing.  Not only that, he can give us the sure footedness that we need to climb to greater heights.  In the very midst of our tough circumstances, He can lift us up.

My prayer is that we understand the source of our balance as we walk the pathways of life.  That we seek His face, turn to Him in prayer (even asking the tough questions and sharing our doubts), listen for His voice through reading scripture, and place our trust firmly in Him.

See you on the high hills,

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