Christ’s Simple Plan

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. ~John 3:16

As a young child, I attended church regularly and listened to my Dad preach. My memories of those lessons were about Jesus and his love for us.

Many years went by and those around me thought I was a believer. But I knew differently.  My thoughts were consumed with death and the finality of it and I had begun to feel guilty over wrong things I had done.  I was also lacking a sense of purpose.  My heart was burdened.

At a youth meeting at my Uncle’s church, I heard kids sharing about their relationship with Jesus.  How He helped guide them through life’s challenges, how He gave them a hope and a future.  Jesus spoke to me through those kids that night and I prayed with my cousin and asked Jesus to come into my heart.  I told Him about the wrongdoings or sin in my life. I acknowledged that He came to this earth and died on a cross for my sins.

My life since then has been filled with many blessings but also obstacles and burdens.  By accepting Jesus and asking him to come into my heart, I know that I am never alone.  He is always there to guide me and comfort me.  Everyday I continue to learn more about Him and His will and purpose for my life.

My prayer is that you would consider Christ’s simple plan for your life.

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